2.1. 讀者的便利性。在對著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式作出抉擇時應該考慮到讀者。
2.2. 通用性。在著錄與檢索中使用的詞彙應與大多數讀者所用的詞彙相一致。
2.3. 表達性。著錄以及名稱的受控形式應按實體描述其本身的方式來確定。
2.4. 準確性。應如實描述被著錄的實體。
2.5. 充分性與必備性。只應包含那些在著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式中對完成讀者任務所必需的,以及對唯一識別某一實體所必不可缺的數據單位。
2.6. 有意義。數據單位應具有目錄學意義。
2.7. 經濟性。當達到某一目標存在多種途徑時,應選擇整體經濟性最佳的途徑(即費用最少或方法最簡單)
2.8. 一致性與標準化。應盡可能實現著錄與確立檢索點工作的標準化。這樣能夠取得更大的一致性,從而提高共享書目數據與規範數據的能力。
2.9. 集成化。各類文獻的著錄以及各類實體名稱的受控形式應在適用範圍内基於一套共同的規則。
2.1. Convenience of the user. Decisions taken in the making of descriptions and controlled
forms of names for access should be made with the user in mind.
2.2. Common usage. Vocabulary used in descriptions and access should be in accord with that
of the majority of users.
2.3. Representation. Descriptions and controlled forms of names should be based on the way
an entity describes itself.
2.4. Accuracy. The entity described should be faithfully portrayed.
2.5. Sufficiency and necessity. Only those data elements in descriptions and controlled forms
of names for access that are required to fulfil user tasks and are essential to uniquely
identify an entity should be included.
2.6. Significance. Data elements should be bibliographically significant.
2.7. Economy. When alternative ways exist to achieve a goal, preference should be given to
the way that best furthers overall economy (i.e., the least cost or the simplest approach).
2.8. Consistency and standardization. Descriptions and construction of access points should be
standardized as far as possible. This enables greater consistency, which in turn increases
the ability to share bibliographic and authority data.
2.9. Integration. The descriptions for all types of materials and controlled forms of names of all
types of entities should be based on a common set of rules, insofar as it is relevant.
2.1. 讀者的便利性。在對著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式作出抉擇時應該考慮到讀者。
2.2. 通用性。在著錄與檢索中使用的詞彙應與大多數讀者所用的詞彙相一致。
2.3. 表達性。著錄以及名稱的受控形式應按實體描述其本身的方式來確定。
2.4. 準確性。應如實描述被著錄的實體。
2.5. 充分性與必備性。只應包含那些在著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式中對完成讀者任務所必需的,以及對唯一識別某一實體所必不可缺的數據單位。
2.6. 有意義。數據單位應具有目錄學意義。
2.7. 經濟性。當達到某一目標存在多種途徑時,應選擇整體經濟性最佳的途徑(即費用最少或方法最簡單)
2.8. 一致性與標準化。應盡可能實現著錄與確立檢索點工作的標準化。這樣能夠取得更大的一致性,從而提高共享書目數據與規範數據的能力。
2.9. 集成化。各類文獻的著錄以及各類實體名稱的受控形式應在適用範圍内基於一套共同的規則。
2.1. Convenience of the user. Decisions taken in the making of descriptions and controlled
forms of names for access should be made with the user in mind.
2.2. Common usage. Vocabulary used in descriptions and access should be in accord with that
of the majority of users.
2.3. Representation. Descriptions and controlled forms of names should be based on the way
an entity describes itself.
2.4. Accuracy. The entity described should be faithfully portrayed.
2.5. Sufficiency and necessity. Only those data elements in descriptions and controlled forms
of names for access that are required to fulfil user tasks and are essential to uniquely
identify an entity should be included.
2.6. Significance. Data elements should be bibliographically significant.
2.7. Economy. When alternative ways exist to achieve a goal, preference should be given to
the way that best furthers overall economy (i.e., the least cost or the simplest approach).
2.8. Consistency and standardization. Descriptions and construction of access points should be
standardized as far as possible. This enables greater consistency, which in turn increases
the ability to share bibliographic and authority data.
2.9. Integration. The descriptions for all types of materials and controlled forms of names of all
types of entities should be based on a common set of rules, insofar as it is relevant.

- 書名:白話本水滸傳(上)
- ISBN978-986-185-463-2:上冊:平裝:NT$220
- 出版社:高寶國際出版商
- 出版年:2010年
- 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版
- 書名:白話本水滸傳(下)
- ISBN978-986-185-464-9:下冊:平裝:NT$220
- 出版社:高寶國際出版商
- 出版年:2010年
- 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版
- 劇名:水滸傳
- 出版年:2011年
- 導演:鞠覺亮
- 主演:張涵予、李宗翰、胡東、黃海冰、陳龍、景崗山、高虎、嚴寬、安以軒、甘婷婷
- 書名:水滸傳:漫畫文學經典名著
- 出版社:風車
- ISBN:9789862232231
- 規格:平裝 / 688頁 / 18.8 x 20 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版

- 書名:白話本水滸傳(上)
- ISBN978-986-185-463-2:上冊:平裝:NT$220
- 出版社:高寶國際出版商
- 出版年:2010年
- 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版
- 書名:白話本水滸傳(下)
- ISBN978-986-185-464-9:下冊:平裝:NT$220
- 出版社:高寶國際出版商
- 出版年:2010年
- 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版
- 書名:水滸傳
- 出版社:方向文化
- 一書2卡帶