2013年12月3日 星期二


無法重製的符號(通常既不是數字也不是字母), 可以用文字說明或相當的字母或字詞。這種替代內容置於方括弧內, 必要時, 在附註項說明。
如: / by [E.B.C.]
    附註: 著者的縮寫以音符表示。
one or more names, phrases or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any 
persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual 
or artistic content of a work. Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with titles (e.g. the 
title proper, parallel titles, titles of individual works contained in the resource, titles in series/subseries 
statements) or in conjunction with edition statements 


